miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

A Subject I enjoyed studying this semester

Qué son las matemáticas: un modelo de la realidad o la realidad ...Hi everyone, today we're going to talk about numbers because  one of my favorite subjects this semester was introduction to calculus. In this subject, the teachers uploaded the classes to "u-cursos", and one can see them at any time, one can even go back if one did not understand something, around 10 am on Monday, the seminars are held, with Professor Castro, classes where mainly context and complicated exercises are done.
Some of the contents we have seen in this subject are Limits, Trigonometry, Functions and Derivatives. These contents are difficult, because they mix many mathematical terms and explode your head (figuratively).

It is difficult to explain why I like this subject, maybe because I have always been good at mathematics and learning it is not difficult. It could even be because of the contents I have learned in this subject, which have high degrees of difficulty, but understanding them leaves them in their simplicity. It can also be because of how the teacher explains and chooses exercises with my career area.

Explaining why I like this subject is like counting the stars, there is no end to it.

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